Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Family meets The Future Family.

Last Saturday
for the first time
my family payea visit to FFIL
in Seremban

we arrived nearly 9pm
(sebab saya bekerja habis pukul 7pm.sigh)
sampai rumah, park keta, hop in papa's triton and vroom to Seremban.

We arrived in super hungry!

FMIL with the assist of ila the maid
cooked wonderful dishes for us
super nyummy !

and the FBILs sibuk mem-bbq !

adik, zhaf, faris and my sis.

the heroes : zhaf, afiq(zhaf's brother), adik, afiq (my brother) and faris.
yes both our brothers are named AFIQ. heee~~

the weather was so nice and very windy
so we had dinner outside.

sorry for the blurry picture. 
blame my s2.heheh~

and then mama papa, FMIL and FFIL had karaoke session
for about half-an-hour
while me and zhaf berlegar2 around the house.
yaya sibuk dgn hand phone at the living area
both Afiq's plak sibuk Cigi-time (Cigi = cigarettes)
and while adik and faris lepak kat luar rumah

and then we had mama's specialty cream caramel and pengat labu with coffee and tea

adik halang muka yaya and yaya screamed 'adik! tutup muke kak yaya laa'.

and thats it.
around 1am we shoot back home
and slept like logs

thank FFIL for having us

Love, Tya

1 comment:

dhiera zainudin said...

best ye!! macam family gathering tp ini future family to be~ hheee