The progress so far?
still tracking on it.
banyak DIY and sub to friends and families
jadi kene track down balik
ape yang dah settle n ape yg pending.
First stop - My little dais
is 80% Done!
weeewit !
left are 3 small things which is
the fresh flowers
paper fan flowers
and floating candles
till we are fully done.
my gorgeous little dais
is all thanks to
my super daddy !!!
looking at him
semangat to fulfil my desire dais
makes me
terharu sangat sangat !
berpeluh2 papa panjat tangga
pinning the drapes to secure it
drilling the platforms
mounting the spotlights
and wallah !
im standing in front of my dais made by my daddy with his bare hands and powertools !
My daddy is supeeeeerrr awesome !!!
trying to pin the drapes to secure it
Drilling the platforms
The assistant yang sangat membantu
papa's power tools =)
Next is me n my sister project
The Doily Lampshades
i bought 2 stand lamps
with plain lampshade
to put it at the side of the dais
and it only cost me RM39 each !
and it only cost me RM39 each !
so we just glue on doilies onto the lampshade
just to give that lacey-dacey effect
and we did it ~
i just love my doily lamp
woot woot !
this pic was taken when about 50% done
and the last thing which still pending
sbb ta siap lagi
is the paper fan flowers
blah atas dais tu
ade bekas jahitan
which my aunty sew the drape
so utk tidak menampak kan jahitan tu
i was thinking of to put up this paper fan flowers
so ya.
im excited with my dais
and cant wait to snap photos with families n friends!
2 - The canopy
after like a zillion text messages
asking for our money back
the ultimate-plain-idiot AMIR FIRDAUS ANOIAR the so call 'DIRECTOR' of YSA EVENTS
paid back my money
if not
ktorg dah standby nak make a police report dah
nasib baik
So i have called and spoke to Joy the owner of
Joy Ems Event Management and Services
paid half of the total amount already
lagi half is after installation
and so far i can say it is a good deal
even if we text, die terus reply.
tak macam si idiot-amir tu
tunggu 5 hari pun belom tentu die reply
plain-arsehole !
and infact Joy text me lastnight
he promised to email me the receipt today
and without a zillion reminder
he emailed !
good !
see how a good business suppose to mean?
shyte that YSA !
and infact Joy text me lastnight
he promised to email me the receipt today
and without a zillion reminder
he emailed !
good !
see how a good business suppose to mean?
shyte that YSA !
so already confirm the color theme of the scallops
baby pink - light purple
yeay !
siap si joy ni tanya
'athirah, if we install the tent a day earlier, will it disturb the pathway of your neighbours?'
very good, at least concern.
no worries.
if the delivery of this deal is good
i sure can recommend them to all of you !
3 - The Hantaran
Hantaran for both side
is DONE !
Chocolate Pinata - Pick up at bangsar on 28/01 morning
Macaroons - Pick up @ AMpang on 27/01 malam
nak tgk teaser tak?
my hantaran for him :
and him to me:
and we love our hantaran !
thanks to my mommy and aunty ah !
4 - The Dress
Just called Mr Tailor
he said.
yeay !
amek petang sbb die nak snap photo dulu
weewiit !
mintak2lah cantik as i imagine.
As for the hair accessories
bought from my aunty
5 - The Caterer
papa settled and paid
Serahkan pada papa=)
Serahkan pada papa=)
6- The Sweet Treat Buffet
Went over to pusat pemborong @ balakong cheras
bought all kind of sweet treats
from chocolates to snacks
Pinwheel Candy
Spiral Candy
Sugar Biscuits
Love Letters
Jam Biscuits
Jelly Sticks
Mini Puddings
Flower Candy
Dinasour egg nuts
Chocolate sticks
Cupcake Bouquet - Pick up @ Subang on 28/01 morning
Apam Dot - Pick up @ Serdang on 28/01 morning
Honey Cornflakes - will start baking today !
Cotton candy / love letters - Sponsor by Mejetol
For the tags
Sheila aka Gedik is in-charge with the printing and decorating my sweet treat buffet
6 - The Delights Buffet
Chocolate Cake
Victoria Sandwhich cake
Talam Seri Muka
Talam Jagung
Talam Sugi
Triffle / Pudding - will make it on friday
Traditional apam - bring by the neighbour
Chocolate Cake
Victoria Sandwhich cake
Talam Seri Muka
Talam Jagung
Talam Sugi
Triffle / Pudding - will make it on friday
Traditional apam - bring by the neighbour
for the tags
Gedik ! =)
7 - The Chocolate Fountain
Chocolates 2kg
Stick biscuits
dried guava
9- The OP
Zhaf just called NikAizu
and confirmed about it
paid half already
lagi half payment after dapat album nanti !
will email him the map to our house in a shortwhile =)
9- The Centrepiece
all things dah ade
waiting for the floating candles and fresh flowers
and once canopy sme dah pasang
we gonna arrange it
hopefully it goes as i imagine
10 - The Handbouquet
arrived all the way from Terengganu
Thanks to Ain
But i have add up some ribbons
il upload it after the event ye =)
11 - The MUA
he's my officemate
make me beautiful pleasee
12 - Doorgifts
prepared 200 doorgifts
and in the midst of tying up 200 ribbons
I was super selekeh as just got back from work and struggled to finish it
He don't know how to tie a ribbon and so i teach him and he was struggling hard to do it ! haha~
and thats the face yang berjaya tie a perfect ribbon ! hehee
and we finish it. quite much. but left a little more. this much :
woot woot !
Love, Tya
Chocolates 2kg
Stick biscuits
dried guava
9- The OP
Zhaf just called NikAizu
and confirmed about it
paid half already
lagi half payment after dapat album nanti !
will email him the map to our house in a shortwhile =)
9- The Centrepiece
all things dah ade
waiting for the floating candles and fresh flowers
and once canopy sme dah pasang
we gonna arrange it
hopefully it goes as i imagine
10 - The Handbouquet
arrived all the way from Terengganu
Thanks to Ain
But i have add up some ribbons
il upload it after the event ye =)
11 - The MUA
he's my officemate
make me beautiful pleasee
12 - Doorgifts
prepared 200 doorgifts
and in the midst of tying up 200 ribbons

I was super selekeh as just got back from work and struggled to finish it

He don't know how to tie a ribbon and so i teach him and he was struggling hard to do it ! haha~

and thats the face yang berjaya tie a perfect ribbon ! hehee

and we finish it. quite much. but left a little more. this much :

Yesterday was the last day at work before my long leave for the engagement
sepatutnya harini ada interview for RTFM
tapi my boss kate dey will postpone due im on my annual leave
so yesterday already hand the cards and maps to my officemates-cum-close friends
that will be coming for my engagement
semoga the map membantu
and mereka ta sesat
So ya
thats the progress so far
hope for the best for the day
Zhaf - Tya The 2nd Chapter !
that will be coming for my engagement
semoga the map membantu
and mereka ta sesat
So ya
thats the progress so far
hope for the best for the day
Zhaf - Tya The 2nd Chapter !
woot woot !
Love, Tya
tya sangat pantas menyiap kan kerja kerja~
naseb baik die pulang kan balik duit papa tya~
hehhee..alhamdulillah setakat ni sme in plan lagi. bersyukur harap2 the weather is great on the day ! aminnnn~
best nye Lamshade tu...beli kat mana...hehehe
jemput singgah...B2b jugak..
tya..boleh dropkan email awk x?nk tnye2 sikit..hehe..about the dais :)
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