this entry is specially for bride to be out there
who looooves paper fan flower
i do !
was chatting with a few B2Bs from b2b 2012 FB group
and most of them were really interested on making this themselves.
i just did it !
i just did it !
successfully !
yeay !
yeay !
now let me just show u how to do it.
1. all my coloured papers are finished, used for my engagement dais. huhuhuu.
so i'l just use a blank A4 paper for this yea..
1. all my coloured papers are finished, used for my engagement dais. huhuhuu.
so i'l just use a blank A4 paper for this yea..
2. Depending on the size you want the paper fan to be. For this i'l make just a small one.
So, i fold the A4 paper making it into two....
3. And cut the A4 size paper into two.
4. Then, fold the paper just like a fan. See below =)
5. For this size i've used 2 pieces of A4 papers. and i get 4 pieces like this :
6. Then, i joined each ends together by using a normal glue.
To make it secure you have to overlap those two ends like this :
seee?? =)
7. And the result will be like this.
8. Then stand it up, and joined 2 ends together. again i just used normal glue je.
9. Ok, This is the MAGIC part ! using just ur beautiful bare hands, and do this :
tadaaaaa !!!
and here's my final product looks like... =)
and my OP , cousins, and friends snapped a lot a lot and i say aaaa loooot of photos of me with families n friends
together with it. ! ! =)

FMIL yang gojes =)
FMIL, FFIL, papa & mama
Future Family - can't wait to be part of them
my awesome family !
my awesome-crazy cousins (papa's side)
my dearest little cousins (mama's side) - saya cucu sulung ! weeee !
they are all the way from JB. thank u soo much for travel so far just to be here being a part in one of the most important day of my life.
i heart them so much. !
My dearie bestfriends and my MUA =)
My crazy-head officemates ! wweeeewiitt !!
Zhaf's dearest cousin. kak nadia & abg azri. dey help us much on the contact numbers of vendors, ideas and etc. thank u soo much !
Zhaf's bestfriends
my excoursemates back in UM
and my one and only Mr Fiancee
and my OP focus on my paper fan flowers !
tak sia2 buat sendiri..
weeewittt !
and thats it !
banyak lagi gambar, tapi ni je dulu.
tunggu lagi from my awesome OP
happy trying !!
credit pics to OP-Nikaizu
Love, Tya
Cantikk sgt.. N the colour combination was sooooooo nice!!
OMG!! cantik sangat okey pelamin u...
simple but sweeeeettttt sesangat...
Sue nak cedok ckit boleh tak?hehe
ke kena bayar royalti ni? =p
Dropping by from:
Hai Tya, salam.. ;)
cantik pelamin..simple, yet soo sweet!
can i use your pelamin as my inspiration?
cmne u letak the flower kt langsir?guna ape?
nice dais n luv the tutorial..nak buat kain gantung tu u letak camne eh? mksdnye kene pasang bnd yg gantung curtain tu eh? ke lekat kt dinding je?
Salam pekenalan ..wahhhh dear memang kreatif la ... ni first time umi jumpa mini pelamin yang berasakan diy dais ..piwettt ..taniah :)
cantik sangat tya! hehe tutorial u ni i letak kt sidebar i. leh jadi reference kt orang lain! u sgt kreatif oke!
n pelamin tu sgt superb!
thumb up tya!!!
Ayun : Thank u dearrrr =)
SUe : bolee...cedok pleasure..hehe
Little CInderella : thank u darl...tya gune 3M double sided tape yang..
Cik Zimie : Thank u... =)
Rina : thank u..i gune kayu panjang to gantung the kain..
Umi : thank u umi...
HUda : Really? im so flattered..thank u sayang ! =)
Dhiera : thank u dearr~
cantik nye mini pelamin sis.. :)
Love it! :)
sangat sangat cantik!!
penat saya mengoogle folded paper akhirnya singgah ke blog anda.. =)
tya, gojes lh fan tu...nmpak ceria..izin kn ye if i nk buat on my nanti. tengss!! 8)
slm...nk tye..i da try buat...
tp knpe bile nk tekan die tu xboleh eh..
mean tekan tak boleh smpai bawah..
if tekan jugak kertas akan koyak...
please advise..
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