Saturday, January 7, 2012

The arsehole Ex and the dumbass GF

well the title describes it all


long story short

a few weeks back my little sis came back from campus and told me

'kakak, a friend of a friend  told my friend to tengok2 kan yaya. as she told the 'friends' that kakak rampas boifren die'

*biar lah nama the 'friends' and the 'GF' to tidak disebutkan disini
kalo kamu baca post ni
silalah terasa sendiri ye

and so me and yaya were thinking at that time
sape kah si perempuan ini??

my exboifren, A studying in uniten as well.
but i dont think he has anything to do with this
coz we were in good terms
i think
so i dont think tetibe die nak carik pasal

but then.
my exboifren's GF
hmm..let just call him
yup shes there
still studying there.
and fyi,
i jusssst got to know that
as my sis kate 'i think si J punye gf baru dak uniten lah kak'
and plus Jamme pun said the same thing
well i dont give a shit about that jackass J and his new dumbass gf yang super 'sweeeeet' tuh !
after the broke up and he payed back his hutang
i couldnt care less about him
even his num is not in my fonlist anymore
and ive deleted him and his dumbass gf's FB
like a year ago
*he was my schoolmate in the same batch and his dumbass gf is my junior back in secondary school*

at that point of time
when my sis told me that
it was like
masok telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan
or masok telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri?
either way anyway..
for me
malas aku nak layan
percintaan 'tayang tonjeng' kt fb
*even i dont have his and her FB i've always hear my sister and my ex-schoolmates mengajok his&her 'baby talks' in FB and its euwwwww us like a lot a lot ! but thanks to them, we got so much interesting thing to talk and laugh out loud about ! hahaha~ *

so that was a few weeks back...

but yesterday
after picking up my sister
my sis said.
'kakak, as per description from my friend, i am pretty sure that gurl is the dumbass GF. and somehow she said that akak saje suruh  yaya masuk uniten sebab nak tengok2 kan die'
im like whut??
that just PISSES me off bitch!
motifnya aku nak soh adik aku tengok2 kan kau?
kau tu menarik sgt ke nak di tengok..?

and now her friends or should we call 'the dumbass chic click'
give that one kind of look to my sister back in campus

if she wanted to bad-mouthing me
i dont care
i dont give a shit
and i dont give a F about it
it doesnt move me
but kalau dah sampai
bugging my sister
and buat die tak selesa kat campus
walhal this has nothing to do with her
padahal when the arsehole-ex was my bf
my sis was being so kind to him
treating him like a brother
infact my whole family does
lagi2 my aunty
and boifren ekau tu tak kenang budi punya jantan
well..that moves me like alot bitch!

my sister is a good gurl
better than me
shes genuine
and ta gedik2 dgn jantan
she's friendly, nice and caring to everyone around her
so die ta bersalah
ape ke hal plak tibe2
she's in the picture??
tetibe nak melibat kan adik aku dah kenapa ??
wth kan?

i wont go serang2 tarik rambut
let me just tell the world about it nak?
oh gurl you make me want to do this
like so badly
thanks alot for giving me a perfect reason to do so

and let me tell the dumbass GF
how ur tayang tonjeng treat me before this

i have put this like way wayyy behind my mind
dah nearly lost it in the memory
but what i can think of
the little pain that the arsehole have done to me
let me tell you a gist of it ok
juuussst a gist of the whole story !!
so, FYI

dulu kalo dating
aku yg pegi pick him up
after work
all the way to shah alam
meredah jam dekat federal highway tu
and i will drove back all alone
let me repeat
sampai semenyih
kadang2 sampai umah dlm 1 pagi
even sometimes sampai kene marah ngn papa mama
ade aku complaint?

kalo tak aku pegi pick up pun
jumpe kat tengah2
like damansara or TTDI
but then boleh dikira berapa kali

and kalo dating pun
who drove the car?
sbb he dont have a license
let me ask this
how old are you by the way?
but ade aku complaint even penat2 drive?

and then
we joined fon line
yes aku yg propose
sebab konon pikir senang
call free between us
msg free
*konon mase tu pikir the relationship would be long enuff but dem im wrong..hahha*
but bill telefon maxis
sme aku yg bayar
and bile broke up
he owes me about RM500 plus for that
eh pastilah aku mintak balik.
itu pun di bayarnye bit by bit
ada aku complaint?
*tah2 yang aku bayar bil2 telefon sme tu pun kau dok call and sms perempuan lain kan?*

bile dating
kadang2 makan or movie
sape yang keluar duit?
ada aku complaint and berkira?

and then
the best part
when we broke up
i clearly remember he said
'tibe2 perasaan tu hilang!'
best tak?
simple and sweet
u really did a good job there !
and fyi
die pun nangis
'i pun tatau kenapa tibe2 jadi camni'
hahaha drama2
u make one hell of a joke there brother
and shortly after that he hook up with this dumbass gf yang 'sweet' tu
and who knows tah2 since he was with me lagi he already had an affair with her behind my back

before we broke up
i dah bau2 dah
tapi bile i tanya die
he denied
he said she already have a boifren
so they just casually sms-ed and talked and chat and whatever
but then it turned up to be not !
that was 31st august 2010

ye aku pun merdeka dari that jackass guy
worst guy i ever met !

and so after the broke up.
and he paid all the hutang
and ive deleted his FB and also his number

i dont give a shit about him like anymore
never cross my mind
their baby talk tayang tonjeng in FB wall were the highlights story in our school reunions or gathering
sambil we catch up stories about each other
and tibe2 sorang akan buka mulut
and we had fun with it
dem we owe you that one good story bro !

*kalo nak baby talk manje2 'tayang-tonjeng tayang-tonjeng' pun dlm fon ke dlm bilik la bro. ta yah la kat fb wall where the whole world reads it and  laugh about it..macam budak2 la oi...sangat uewww lah weyy..korang ingt ur manje2 cakap pelat2 mcm baby tu super duper comel ke kat fb wall tu ?...but all and all..its a good one tho. kalau tak time reunion or gathering ktorg takde benda nak laugh about.hahahha"

so lady.
sape rampas boifren sape ?
aku rampas boifren kau ke
ekau yang rampas boipren den??!!

even ekau yang rampas boifren den yang tak gune tu pun
ade den kacau hidup korang ke?
tak kan?
coz i have my own life to take care about
so why are you mengacau hidup aku plak uolss??
like omaigoddd~

bak kate mama
'orang kalo insecure mcm tu kak'

motif nak insecure dgn aku?
kau kan cantik wahai perempuan
so ape nak insecure dgn budak gemok macam aku ni ha?
sah dumbass !
big L on the forehead !

kau tu junior aku je kat sekolah
infact time sekolah nama kau pun aku ta pernah dengar
kau ni watak2 picisan je dlm hidup aku time sekolah dulu
so dont think that you're so great gurl
pegi belajar pandai2 dulu
so shut up
and go grab your degree

stop messing around
stop spreading some crap shit stories about me at uniten ye?
kalau kau nak bercerita pasal aku..tak kesah
maybe my life is some interesting topic for you to talk and babble about
but jangan nak menyusahkan adik aku !

dok sane belajar je lah wahai dik
patu gi carik kerja and carik duit sendri banyak2 ye
stand on your own 2 feet first
and then only you come and talk to me.
itupun if i want to talk to you!
which i think i will not!

oh and
yaya masok uniten
coz my dad say so Okaay
after finishes her matriculation
papa and her chosed to pursue degree there
so i have nothing to do with it okkay
and aku ta tau pun kau kat uniten at first.
so motifnya aku saje soh adik aku belajar kat situ
just to spy on u?
sumpah perasan diva la kau ni
ingat diri tu fasha sandha ke people nak paparazzi about?
ur just a plain B do you know that?

so in the mean time
gi belajar
habiskan degree tu dulu
ke dip?
whatever anyway
patu keje
patu ...
ye adik?

while akak ni
tgah sibuk ni
preparing for my engagement
and in 6 months to come insyallah
im gonna be a wife
to the greatest man i ever met
and the one and only man
im so in live with.
forever and for always

so go jaga hal sendiri
shuh shuh !

and aku tak nak pun boifren kau tu.
dont be so paranoid.
say whut??

there goes my long story short which is after all a long one indeed ! sorry ! heee~

sorry for the emo post.
i promised next post will be a happy one!

Have a good weekend peeepol !

Love, Tya


nanazatul said...

Hai tya. We have a common here. Dumbasss ex-bf. Tapi I lagi teruk title. Dumb-ass ex fiancee. Your experience exactly like mine. Yang bila kita je keluar,bill tepon(yerpp,join too,maxis jugak),kereta i yang bawak sbb die xde lesen,baju2 kasut seluar semua i yang belikan. You know,kalau calculate everymonth,i was like menganga sensorang.
And now,bila looking at the last,i pun dah tak paham kenapa I boleh sangkut dgn lelaki mcm tu. Alhamdulillah we broke up and dont give a damn F pasal dia. And what I hv now is wayyyyyyyy better than him..

Pasal dumbass ex punye current gf. Ive been there tooo. Kawan i jugak bagitau. Die meroyan kat twitter sbb my ex fiancee suka compare kitaorg and cant get over me.and die suruh kakak sedara dia add I,tapi die yg stalk fb I guna fb kaka sedara dia. Ya Allah,insecure gilaaaaa..

I know exactly how you feel about that dumbass bf. Hahahaahahah. Good for you. You deserve someone better.

[az azhari]™ said...

wooots thiera! another bug on d windshield!

jgn lyn org loser k syg.. ehh.. tayang?? bahahahaa~

tYa athirAh said...

hi gurl..

we are rocking in the same boat !

kannn motiflah nak insecure.
maybe my arshole-ex slalu compare me kot
yelah dgn kte ni. sme kte yg bayar.
tapi dgn this gurl.
junior, tak habis blajar lagi.
so dgn kte , he depends on me. but dgn dat dumbass-gf, she depends on him.

but all and all..
i think i win
coz im getting maaaarried
sooon insyallah !

and im so effing happy
and i dont care whatever say to me right now
coz im so dem happy!

tYa athirAh said...

az: hahahah! mmg..! lalat sangat diorg ni..kotor and sibuk!

baik tayang ? hahhhHhAA

Ummi Balqis Ismail said...

emm, bile bace entry tya ni n komen kat atas ni n my own experience, i juz realized lelaki skrg sgt beruntung semenanye kan...ade perempuan yg nak tlg support n kongsi susah senang dgn dorg tapi tu pon x reti nak menghargai lg...ssh sgt ke lelaki ni nak menghargai perempuan?huhuhu...xde rase malu ke pakai duit perempuan?sometimes, xtau cara diorang berfikir...

dila v(^_^)v said...

yakss..btl la tra..dua2 ketul bajet cute n sweet nak baby talk kat fb mmg menggelikan..igt dia je bcinta kot..plg xleh blah bla baca si j sengal tu kata "tiba2 prasaan tu hilang"..aku pon pnah kna cmtu..mmg bodo gila..sgt la kurang ajar..

jgn layan dua2 hampeh tu..dua2 xbetul..focus on ur eday n wday je..jeles le tu u nak kawen dulu..hoho

sian yaya..

tYa athirAh said...

ummi : memang. lelaki bodoh ! dgn kte ni langsung kte tak menyusahkan die. and ta mengharapkan duit die pun. i earn everything my own. atleast i already have a car on my own name for a start. tapi kau? ape ade? stupid dumbass..elok la die dorang..memang matchup perfect !

dila : aku dah tade fb diorng tapi bile gi reunion buka puasa, dak2 ni dok bahan2. kadang2 aku sendri rase malu sbb camne la aku ble sangkut dgn jantan macam ni. and thank god it didnt last long! hahaha

Anis aka Mama Mila said...

I did write on his wall pasal hutang dia tu..guess what? delete dah hahaha... serious pengecut. and the gf? still ye tayyyyang bucuk...haha so funny.

Dh jgn fikir dh...u know u got the trophy now. far better... be happy k...

tYa athirAh said...

jamme : ko ckp ape kt wall die? well die mmg jantan takde 'peepee' dari dulu. tu sebab segalanya gune duit aku. pengecut..chicken! pak pak pak!

and yes! i won the trophy !! woot wooot !!!

dila v(^_^)v said...

apsal dorang dok tayyang2 ek? geli kot..mcm org xde lidah..huhu

Kerry Mirza said...

hahaha TERBAIK!!

well,in my case my contra plak.hahhaa.nanti la kite cite2 kay!
love youuuuuuuuuuu!

tYa athirAh said...

dila : entah. konon comel la weh. 'tayang tonjeng tayang bucuk'..ta salah nak baby talk but ta perlulah publicly kot. like hellooo.. ur making a fool of urself and its like public humiliation..

kak kerry : ce citer ce citer...

Kerry Mirza said...

chat kat fb laa.sini kang die bace mampus den