24th March 2012
Solemnizationn of
Oshen + Musz
and im the maid of honor
weewit !
nothing much to say
just full of joy, laughters and happy tears
yaya n mr fiancee duduk belakang playing iwth his new gadget
aku yg excited lebey ape hal? LOL
this is the hardest part. salam mak..nanges kuat2 !!
25th March 2012
the reception
dewan perdana keramat
me n mr fiancee were the brides maid n bestman.
the crazee-sillee astro people !
the theme is
candy bubble gum
and thats the photobooth props i made =)
the photobooth
the pelamin
the guestbook corner

the candy buffet
a cotton candy tree !
the surprise : they sang 'penghujung cinta'
isn't she look stunning !
if you wanna see the vid
here it is
#it will only be shown only for 2 weeks. after that it will be remove for finale editing by the videographer.
next week will be abg musz' reception
in bukit mahkhota if im not mistaken
and yes
me n mr fiancee will be the bridesmaid n bestman lagi
#gile kuasa
but the problem is
my boss refused to give me cuti
#pissed off
dah la 2 months takda cuti weekend
ni yang tetibe rasa nak mengungkit ni
padahal sblm ni ta da complaint pun even ta dpt cuti weekend
mama papa dah bising
asik ta cuti weekend
bile nak sit n discuss with them about our wedding?
if by april still mcm ni lagi
i think better i request back to be in the CC
lagi senang dpt cuti
ok tetibe marah
spoilt je mood
will update u guys our wedding progress soon !
credit pics to : FBs, OP of musz+oshen the wedding.
cotton candy tree tu sangat awesome!!!!
I suka sgt cotton candy tree tu! may i borrow your idea for my wedding nanti. Plssss?
love cotton candy tree tu...siapa vendor dia ni babe?
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