Life as a married woman definitely something..and when i say's almost everything and anything is related to it.
2 years ago, i was going crazy with the job, i was a workaholic i must say.
stayed late. like really late to finish up works and tasks
together with my best buddy , Basri a.k.a Bubuz the Hulk, coz he's huge and turns green when he's angry. muhaahaha!
(im sorry Bubuz if you're reading this)
(im sorry Bubuz if you're reading this)
We were together from day one on training. like 4 years ago.
Were a team ever since till he became one of the team manager now.
in my mind is all about money money and M.O.N.E.Y
i neglect things like a lot.
i even met an accident on my way back from work (which i was late for a family celebration)
crazy huh. i know.
crazy huh. i know.
i then met with this one man who made me realize that one of the most important thing in life is to have someone to love you as who and what you are.
and something, anything, everything are all about family.
well we then in less than a year, married to each other.
its a year already and it has been an exciting year i must say
we went thru rough times together, sick and cried together and in the end laugh together.
it was an awesome year
our anniversary was pretty much relax and more to spending time together at home, going out for movie dates (like twice in 3 days), nice dine out, and even cooked dinner together.
the day was actually falls on 7th July which is on Sunday,
but ya we consider ourselves celebrated the whole 3 days in row! muahaha~
the day was actually falls on 7th July which is on Sunday,
but ya we consider ourselves celebrated the whole 3 days in row! muahaha~
started off on Friday,
we went to re-do our henna
we made a pact to redo our henna on every anniversary
just for fun. make us feel like newly wed. (konon)
like you know mat saleh will renew their vows after a few years,
well ya we kinda renew our henna.
bole macam tu?
just for fun. make us feel like newly wed. (konon)
like you know mat saleh will renew their vows after a few years,
well ya we kinda renew our henna.
bole macam tu?
but its just that this time i chose a simple design
tak payahlah nak meriah2 sangat ala2 pengantin kan.
and Zhaf only did those 3 right fingers coz his left fingers chipped around the nails so akan pedih the moment henna is put on the tip of the fingers.
after about half an hour Zhaf went for Friday prayers and i stayed for my turn
we did it with Kak Noor from Noor Henna Collection
the designs are really really pretty and Kak Noor have a good pair of hands on this one
trust me!
last time for the wedding i chose 'Set Pengantin' which cost about RM150-RM180
but this time around, since it's our 2nd time and it's more just for fun, we got good price for sure, only RM80 !
yippie yoo!
please do ignore my 'fleshy' hands :(
and my fat toes :)
we then went over to OU for movie,
bought tickets and straight for late lunch coz we're darn hungry
It's Dubu-Dubu !
it was our first time actually. Bff Mejetol keep saying the foods are good so ya we decided to give it a try.
we received 'Selamat Pengantin Baru' wishes almost every store we went in.
and it gives us a huge big grin all the way out :)
we went for Despicable Me 2 at BeaniePlex TGV
also it was our first time
it was extremely comfy!
Zhaf was landing himself comfortably ignoring me like totally!
selalunye tengok movie adalah hugging ke, holding hands ke kan.
this is like. None.
but anyway, i was enjoying myself too.
the cinema was pretty much empty. only about 5 or 6 couples i guess.
and everyone was laughing like no ones business.

didn't snap any photo in there, so i just grab this one from Mr Google :)
after the movie, Zhaf brought me for a dessert at Haagen Dazs Mont Kiara
and we ordered my favorite Banana Split!
we ended our day then and slept like logs. Bellyfull. Full Stop.
the next day nothing much as we woke up late. bergolek-golek on bed till 3pm
got ourselves up and ready to go back to the in-laws in Seremban
they held a 'tahlil' for arwah paklong that night.
Zhaf's late paklong left us 2 days before our nikah day.
Zhaf's was sad as late arwah was the spokesperson for our engagement ceremony or should i say 'wakil pihak lelaki'. he was fit and healthy at that time.
the whole family definitely misses him alot.
sunday morning at the in laws.
I've always love the wooden door entrance at the in laws.
we had a night at in laws
and the next day spent the day with mama-in-law chatting and looking thru our wedding albums
reminiscing the memorable day
laughing on some silly things happened on that day
all and all we thank both our parents for such wonderful wedding
we will repay you with a grandchild okay? *wink*
mama-in-law and the step-father in-law looking through our wedding photos
the lepak spot at the in-laws. apologize on the kurang sopan pose of my dear husband :p
so that late evening around 4pm we drove back to KL but made a stop at my parents place.
eventually papa wasn't around. busy preparing for his big presentation the next day.
so mama and little brother Afiq went for a late lunch at Pizza Hut. and we joined them
later then Zhaf made a surprise and brought me for a nice dinner dine at 'The Hill' Jalan Dungun.
it was, well, obviously on a hill and below a lighten up tree.
Zhaf ordered French Pan-Fried Salmon and i ordered Rib-Eye Spaghetti.
it was yummmaihh!
hadn't snap much photo with our phones coz it's dark and sadly our camera phones doesn't give nice pictures in the dark.
so again i grab from Mr Google

after bloated ourselves
we decided to went for a movie treat
yup. Again! muahahaha!
and this time we went for Premier Class at GSC Signature Mid Valley
watched The Lone Ranger.
the movie was hmm ayy okkay. well if it wasn't because of Johnny Depp, like hello! it wouldn't be funny would it?
anyhow, love him ever since like, forever!

done with the movie thing. went straight back home and ended the night with a big smile on our face. chat on bed till we dozed off.
the next day. i'm down with flu.
Dearest husband,

Loved you a year and many many many years to come.
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